Entries by Jennifer Sheriff

Factors That Keep Nations Unreached

Nik concludes a series investigating why unreached nations are still unreached by exploring the practical components that keep churches from sending and going. Nik looks at everything from the cost of personnel to weather. There are surprising reasons that are hard to overcome on our way to the hard places of the world. Be sure […]

Why Are Unreached People Groups… Unreached?

Welcome back to our podcast, where Nik Ripken goes further into the reasons why unreached countries often remain unreached. Building upon last week’s discussion, Nik addresses a crucial aspect that is often overlooked: the significance of embracing and equipping missionaries to venture into the hardest places. Be sure to subscribe to the Witness & Persecution Podcast on […]

Reaching the Unreached Nations

Nik argues that believers cannot ignore the call to reach people from every tongue and tribe, simply for the sake of convenience. First, he challenges the common idea that funding should be reduced in unresponsive nations. Next, Nik redefines missionary success based on the depth of relationships formed and the transformative power of sharing the […]

Becoming a Missionary With a Family

Embarking on a missionary journey is a life-altering decision when you have a family to consider. In this episode, Ruth Ripken explains the common fears that mothers often encounter when contemplating a life of service on the mission field. Join us as we explore the challenges, triumphs, and transformative growth that arise when mothers choose […]

Building a Sending and Going Culture for Missionary Work

In the early years of their friendship, Pastor Tim learned from Nik Ripken that being a missionary involves actively participating in the spread of the Gospel. Today, both speakers ask us to embrace a mindset of sending and going while empowering others to do the same. So, what does a missionary do, and what does […]

Authentic Community

In this episode, Nik unveils a heartfelt tale that transcends borders and celebrates the profound beauty of cultural exchange. He teaches us about the Xhosa naming ceremony for newborns. What does the naming culture in Xhosa teach us about authentic community? Be sure to subscribe to the Witness & Persecution Podcast on your favorite platform. Naming Culture […]

Who Is My Neighbor?

Ruth Ripken offers valuable insights into how to live out biblical hospitality. By embracing different cultures, understanding the needs of others, and extending a helping hand, we can demonstrate the love of Christ and fulfill the command to love our neighbor. Be sure to subscribe to the Witness & Persecution Podcast on your favorite platform. We Don’t […]

It’s Time to Stop Playing Church

In a world where the pursuit of religious activities can sometimes overshadow the true essence of faith, Nik Ripken suggests it’s time to stop playing church. He challenges us to move beyond the mere performance of religious rituals and delve into the radical call to authentic faith. Be sure to subscribe to the Witness & Persecution […]

Baptism on the Mission Field

The Great Commission instructs believers to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Nik Ripken highlights the need to apply the Bible’s teachings in diverse cultural and geographic contexts. This includes the dry heat of Africa where water may be scarce […]

Sheep Among Wolves: Christian Missionaries in Somalia

Nik Ripken spent seven years in Somalia, a country ravaged by war and famine. In this podcast episode, he shares his experiences of bringing teams of volunteers into the country and the impact they had as Christian missionaries in Somalia. Be sure to subscribe to the Witness & Persecution Podcast on your favorite platform. Ripken’s Impact in […]