Across the Street & Across the Oceans
A Mission Rooted in Obedience to Christ

Living the Command to Go
The Journey to the Great Commission
Nik Ripken's journey to missions began at age 18, hearing God’s call to salvation while working the night shift in a cheese factory. That defining moment led him from rural Kentucky to a global mission field where he embraced Christ’s command to “Go into all the world.” Ruth, Nik's wife, chose to follow Jesus as a young girl. Globally, the Ripkens have dedicated their lives to Jesus. Their journey has been tremendously enhanced by walking alongside believers in persecution, learning from their victorious faith in the midst of suffering.

A Global Journey to Listen and Learn
Learning from Believers in Persecution
Nik and Ruth Ripken’s journey eventually led them to Somalia, where they helplessly watched as most believers were martyred for their faith. Due to that experience, God sent them to believers in persecution, with that pilgrimage extending to over 72 countries. They sat at the feet of these believers, conducting more than 650 interviews. These faithful individuals model how to trust Jesus completely, thriving spiritually because of suffering and martyrdom. Through them, the Ripkens have gathered life-altering insights, allowing them to recapture a biblical missiology of suffering that inspires believers everywhere.

Creating Tools for Bold Witness
A Ministry to Equip and Inspire
Nik Ripken Ministries exists to share the truths and practices learned from believers in persecution with the global Body of Christ. Through books like The Insanity of God, a documentary film, and training workshops, NRM provides tools to help believers live out courageous faith, regardless of circumstance or location. Insanity Unleashed, a 19-session video series, represents the capstone resource provided by Nik Ripken Ministries. Each resource invites the Body of Christ to recapture the bold, exciting, Biblical faith of believers in persecution. These believers remind us that everything God has ever done in the Bible, He is still doing today through His people.

Living the Gospel Wherever We Are
Obedience Over Call: The Great Commission
Nik and Ruth Ripken firmly believe that the Great Commission is a command. Missions is not reserved for those specially “called” but is a command to obedience for all believers. Let us no longer allow the need for a “call” to hinder immediate obedience. Obedience to the Great Commission is not the purview of the few. Nik and Ruth share the conviction that living out this command is the responsibility of every follower of Jesus, whether across the street or around the globe. Nik Ripken Ministries is dedicated to empowering the Body of Christ to respond to His command with courage and conviction.

Join Us in Following Jesus, Fearlessly
Partnering to Expand the Kingdom
Nik Ripken Ministries invites you to join us by sharing Christ's love, the Good News, to the ends of the earth. Partner with us to become part of a movement to expand the Kingdom, learning from the Bible and witnessed by the strength and endurance of believers in persecution. Together we obey Christ’s command to cross the street and oceans, supporting one another as we live out a bold, fearless faith wherever God sends.