Nik Ripken Blog

Redeeming the Breakfast Table with Daily Devotions
Nik and Ruth Ripken conclude their series on worship in the home by sharing how their daily devotions—from morning prayers around the…

Ruth Starts Her Day With Personal Worship
Ruth Ripken emphasizes the importance of personal worship as a lifeline, starting each day with prayer and scripture, even before sunrise.…

Cultivate Faith at Home With Family Worship
Nik and Ruth Ripken demonstrate the transformative power of family worship, emphasizing its simplicity, inclusivity, and foundational role…

Seek Humanity in Stories of Persecution
Nik Ripken calls believers to move beyond comfort and truly empathize with the suffering of persecuted Christians, reminding us that their…

Factors That Keep Nations Unreached

Why Are Unreached People Groups... Unreached?
In this episode of Witness and Persecution with Nik & Ruth Ripken, Nik dives deeper into the challenges of reaching unreached people…

Reaching the Unreached Nations
Nik Ripken challenges the notion that missionary success is measured by immediate results or large numbers of conversions. Instead, he…

Becoming a Missionary With a Family
Ruth Ripken explores the unique fears and challenges mothers face when considering missionary life, from the fear of the unknown to…

Building a Sending and Going Culture for Missionary Work
Nik Ripken and Pastor Tim emphasize that being a missionary means actively participating in spreading the Gospel, embracing a mindset of…

Authentic Community
Nik Ripken shares a powerful story about the Xhosa naming ceremony, where cultural exchange fosters deep connections and mutual…

Who Is My Neighbor?
Ruth Ripken shares how biblical hospitality transcends cultural misunderstandings, as illustrated by the humorous "We Don't Eat Worms"…

It's Time to Stop Playing Church
Nik Ripken challenges believers to move beyond surface-level religious rituals and embrace an authentic, transformative faith. His journey…

Baptism on the Mission Field
Nik Ripken highlights the unique challenges of performing baptisms in Africa, where water scarcity, dangerous wildlife, and environmental…

Sheep Among Wolves: Christian Missionaries in Somalia
Nik Ripken shares his experiences serving in war-torn Somalia, where conflict, famine, and instability created immense challenges for aid…

How Do Missionaries Learn Languages So Quickly?
Nik Ripken shares the humorous and challenging realities of language learning as a missionary, highlighting both the frustrations and the…

Freedom From Persecution Creates Disillusionment
Nik Ripken highlights a sobering reality: out of every ten persecuted believers who relocate to the West, only one continues to actively…

Go as a Single Missionary or Wait to Get Married?
Nik and Ruth Ripken highlight that both singleness and marriage are valid paths for those called to missionary work, each offering unique…

Are Short Term Mission Trips Effective?
Nik Ripken challenges the misconception that short-term mission trips can replace active involvement in one's local church and community.…

Female Missionaries Outnumber the Men
Nik Ripken highlights the gender disparity in missions, where women outnumber men seven to one, especially in high-risk areas. He…

Advice for Parents of Missionaries
Sending a loved one to the mission field is an emotional and challenging experience, requiring faith, trust, and open communication. Nik…

Should We Reach Our Own Country First?
Nik Ripken challenges the common excuse that we must fully address spiritual needs in our own country before sharing the Gospel with other…

Is the Great Commission for Everyone?
Nik Ripken asserts that the Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20 is not limited to a select few but is a command for every believer to…

Do Miracles Happen in America?
Nik Ripken reminds us that while Christians in the West may not witness the same miracles seen in persecuted regions, they experience an…

Lies, Lies, and More Lies
Nik Ripken reminds us that God is still actively performing miracles today, especially in places where access to the Gospel is limited. He…