Nik Ripken Blog
Is God Insane?
The title of our first book, The Insanity of God, has caused trouble for itself. Many people, especially those of us of a more mature age,…
OneCry Prayer Summit
Daily we hear reports about violence against Christians all around the globe. But how does this affect us as believers in America? During…
A 13-Year Old Church Planter
Willing to Die for Jesus
The British Half-Penny
Beast for Jesus
Arab Spring?
Praying Nurses
Strength in Freedom
Walk Alongside
Why would I waste the truth on you?
Persecution is Hard
Lay Your Lumber Down
The Dirt of Compromise
Imagine that you are the first believer in your family, your people group, or your country? Additionally you are Naaman, the General of…
Creating a Space for God
One of the most gripping and mysterious passages in the Bible is found in Genesis 1:1. How is it that God can take a dark, empty nothing…
Why Are the Unreached Unreached?
Persecution, extreme poverty, famine, war. Scared Christians. Nik examines the challenges keeping many unreached from hearing the Good News…